Centre Anticancereux Leon Berard
Short Name: CLB
Country: FR
Website: www.centreleonberard.fr
Organization description:
The Centre Léon Bérard (CLB) is part of the twenty French Comprehensive Cancer Centers, providing a global management of cancer patients on a unique area, from diagnosis to treatment and beyond.
The Centre is a regional, national and international recognized reference cancer Centre assigned with three essential missions: Care, Research and Education and is willing to continuously improve the quality and accessibility of care for cancer patients. More than 30,000 patients are received each year, on consultations or exams and 6,000 new cancer cases are diagnosed.
The CLB has technical and treatment facilities (operating rooms, radiation therapy center, medical imaging departments, pathology and nuclear medicine departments). The bench-to-bedside process is one of the strengths of the Centre Léon Bérard along with the pathology and NGS service. The Centre Léon Bérard develops an excellence and multidisciplinary research, in association with the cares carried out on site and institutional and private partners. The foundations of this development lay in the medical and scientific project. The CLB aims to reinforce the bench-to-bedside process by facilitating translational research to help innovation and speed-up its access to patients for diagnoses and therapies. Biological resource Center has been certified NF-96 900, clinical research has been certified ISO 9001 since 2013 and is thus one of the strengths of the Centre. As a result, more than 20% of patients were included in clinical trials in 2016. At the Centre Léon Bérard 1,700 persons work in cares, research, education and supportive care (200 physicians, 500 researchers, 600 caregivers) a work highlighted by the COFRAC certification (number 8-3503). CLB is nationally recognized for its expertise as leader of the AURAGEN initiative (France médecine génomique 2025) specialized in genomics and for its role of reference center within the European Reference Network (ERN) EURACAN Horizon H2020 project (European sarcoma guidelines). Moreover, its participation in the ICGC (International Cancer Genome Consortium) which allowed detailed characterization of about 50 types and subtypes of tumors.
Medical care, basic research, translational research, early stage clinical and clinical research, biobanking, therapeutic innovation, bioinformatics, sequencing NGS
NovaSeq6000 (Illumina), NovaSeq500 (Illumina), MiSeq system (Illumina), HTG EdgeSeq system, Affymetrix Microarray station, Agilent CGH station, Data Storage, HPC environment
Other European projects:
- CONTICANET [FP6-018806] àorg, conticagist.org
- EURACAN H2020 à http://euracan.ern-net.eu/
- EUROSARC [FP7-278479] à eu
- SELNET H2020
Role in the project:
CLB is a major cancer center performing NGS in medical diagnostics and is member of the buyers group. CLB links Instand-NGS4P to the ERN-EURACAN. CLB is involved in WPs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
Key personnel:
Prof. Jean-Yves BLAY
Prof Jean-Yves BLAY is professor of medical oncology at the University Claude Bernard Lyon I and the General Director of the Centre Léon Bérard (CLB) in Lyon, France. He is the co-head of the Cytokine and Cancer Unit of INSERM U1052 Team 11 in Cancer Research Center of Lyon (CRCL). He is Secretary of the Oncology Commission of the French Academy of Medicine (2016+) and the scientific director in charge of the consortium providing the AURAGEN initiative which is specialized in personalized medicine through genomic sequencing as a routine medical practice. He is the coordinator of ERN EURACAN and was the coordinator of the CONTICANET, a Network of Excellence funded by the 6th Framework Program of the European commission, serves currently as coordinator for the EUROSARC project, and as president of the French Sarcoma Group (www.gsf- geto.org). He has served as vice chairman of both the Protocol Review Committee and the Translational Research Advisory Committee of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and also as the chairman of the Soft Tissue and Bone Sarcoma Group of EORTC. Between 2009 and 2012, he served as the president of EORTC and is currently serving as Past President. Prof. Blay is also head of the Reference Network for Sarcoma in France (French National Cancer Institute), a faculty member of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Sarcoma group, and a board member of the French Society of Cancer (SFC). Prof. Blay’s research interests focus on clinical and basic research in sarcomas to improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of these diseases. Prof. Blay has published over 400 peer-reviewed articles and numerous other abstracts and book chapters. He is the Director of the European Reference Network (ERN) EURACAN.
Main publications and awards:
Sarcomas in patients over 90: natural history and treatment. A nationwide study over 6 years. Basse C, Italiano A, Penel N, Mir O, Chemin C, Toulmonde M, Duffaud F, Le Cesne A, Chevreau C, Maynou C, Anract P, Gouin F, Rios M, Firmin N, Kurtz JE, Kerbrat P, Piperno-Neumann S, Bertucci F, Rosset P, Isambert N, Bompas E, Dubray-Longeras P, Fiorenza F, Le Maignan C, Chaigneau L, Thyss A, Bouché O, Eymard JC, Lair CD, Adam J, Karanian M, Lebbé C, Dupré A, Meeus P, Brahmi M, Dufresne A, Ducimetière F, Ray-Coquard I, Blay JY.Int J Cancer. 2019 Mar 28.
Molecular screening program to select molecular-based recommended therapies for metastatic cancer patients: analysis from the ProfiLER trial.Trédan O, Wang Q, Pissaloux D, Cassier P, de la Fouchardière A, Fayette J, Desseigne F, Ray-Coquard I, de la Fouchardière C, Frappaz D, Heudel PE,
Bonneville-Levard A, Fléchon A, Sarabi M, Guibert P, Bachelot T, Pérol M, You B, Bonnin N, Collard O, Leyronnas C, Attignon V, Baudet C, Sohier E, Villemin JP, Viari A, Boyault S, Lantuejoul S, Paindavoine S, Treillleux I, Rodriguez C, Agrapart V, Corset V, Garin G, Chabaud S, Pérol D, Blay JY. Ann Oncol. 2019 Mar 13. pii: mdz080.
Complete response to CSF1R inhibitor in a translocation variant of teno-synovial giant cell tumor without genomic alteration of the CSF1 gene. Brahmi M, Alberti L, Tirode F, Karanian M, Eberst L, Pissaloux D, Cassier P, Blay JY. Ann Oncol. 2018 Jun 1;29(6):1488-1489.
Soft tissue and visceral sarcomas: ESMO-EURACAN Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis,
treatment and follow-up. Casali PG, Abecassis N, Aro HT, Bauer S, Biagini R, Bielack S, Bonvalot S, Boukovinas I, Bovee JVMG, Brodowicz T, Broto JM, Buonadonna A, De Álava E, Dei Tos AP, Del Muro XG, Dileo P, Eriksson M, Fedenko A, Ferraresi V, Ferrari A, Ferrari S, Frezza AM, Gasperoni S, Gelderblom H, Gil T, Grignani G, Gronchi A, Haas RL, Hassan B, Hohenberger P, Issels R, Joensuu H, Jones RL, Judson I, Jutte P, Kaal S, Kasper B, Kopeckova K, Krákorová DA, Le Cesne A, Lugowska I, Merimsky O, Montemurro M, Pantaleo MA, Piana R, Picci P, Piperno- Neumann S, Pousa AL, Reichardt P, Robinson MH, Rutkowski P, Safwat AA, Schöffski P, Sleijfer S, Stacchiotti S, Sundby Hall K, Unk M, Van Coevorden F, van der Graaf WTA, Whelan J, Wardelmann E, Zaikova O, Blay JY; ESMO Guidelines Committee and EURACAN. Ann Oncol.
2018 Oct 1;29(Supplement_4):iv268-iv269
A comparison of Australian and French families affected by sarcoma: perceptions of genetics and incidental findings. Rasmussen V, Forrest LE, Rogasik M, Girodet M, Meeus P, Sunyach MP, Blay JY, Bally O, Brahmi M, Ballinger ML, Niedermayr E, Thomas DM, Halliday J, James P, Ray- Coquard I, Young MA; International Sarcoma Kindred Study. Per Med. 2018 Jan;15(1):13-24.
- Laureate and Grantee of the Estée Lauder Prize for Breast Cancer Research (2005 – 2008)
- Laureate of the Tartois Prize 2010
- Laureate of the Hamilton Fairley Prize, European Society of Medical Oncology 2012
- Laureate of the Henry and Maryjane Mitjaville Prize of the French Natl Acad of Medecine 2013 Nina Axelrad Lecture and Prize, Connective Tissue