Bioxpedia A/S
Short Name: BXP
Country: DK
Organization description:
BioXpedia A/S is a contract research laboratory with ambitions to develop into R&D and diagnostics. We provide high quality cost effective targeted biomarker screening to pre-clinical and clinical researchers and to the biotech- and pharma industry. Our main focus is on the identification of new clinically useful biomarkers for patient stratification, treatment response, and discovery of potential drug targets.
BioXpedia provides high-throughput sample preparation and multiomic screening and analyses on multiple biological levels. We offer multiplex low-volume technologies for the most effective use of valuable samples.
Since its foundation, BioXpedia has helped clients from the pharmaceutical and biotech industry along with research groups and other larger research institution with a variety of projects involving biomarker services.
Research, consulting, genomic and proteomics laboratory analyses, biomarker discovery and validation, statistics and bioinformatics
Laboratory facilities equipped with modern genomic platforms for RNA and DNA isolation and analysis (Universal and QiaSymphony robotics, Fluidigm Biomark and Quantstudio real-time PCR systems, nanoString digital Technology) as well as proteomics platforms (Meso-Scale Discovery Immunoassay technology, nanoString digital Technology).
Other European projects:
Role in the project:
BXP will be involved in all the Workpackages and provides input on SMEs’ needs as diaganostic service provider and possible future buyer of the NGS workflow to be developed within Instand- NGS4P
Key personnel:
Mogens Kruhøffer
Mogens Kruhøffer, PhD (male) Graduated in Biology from University of Aarhus 1986 and earned my Ph.D. degree in Molecular Biology 1994. From 1996-1999 associate professor at Institute for Molecular Biology at Aarhus University; from 1999-2007 associate professor at the department of Molecular Medicine at Aarhus University Hospital where the research was focused on bladder and colorectal cancer using Genomic and Functional Genomic methods. Head of the “Core Center for Array Technology” at Aarhus University Hospital in the period 1999-2007. In 2000 he was a co-founder and CSO of the Biotech company “AROS Applied Biotechnology” and in 2017 he founded and is CEO of the Biotech company “BioXpedia”. More than 80 peer- review scientific publications. He is on the board of the cluster “Biopeople” University education,
He has published 85 scientific papers and was co-inventor of several patent applications
Main publications and patents:
Zhang H, Korenková V, Sjöback R, Švec D, Björkman J, Kruhøffer M, Verderio P, Pizzamiglio S, Ciniselli CM, Wyrich R, Oelmueller U, Kubista M, Lindahl T, Lönneborg A, Rian E. Biomarkers for monitoring pre-analytical quality variation of mRNA in blood samples. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 4;9(11).
Schou JV, Rossi S, Jensen BV, Nielsen DL, Pfeiffer P, Høgdall E, Yilmaz M, Tejpar S, Delorenzi M, Kruhøffer M, Johansen JS. miR-345 in metastatic colorectal cancer: a non- invasive biomarker for clinical outcome in non-KRAS mutant patients treated with 3rd line cetuximab and irinotecan. PLoS One. 2014 Jun 18;9(6).
Hedegaard J, Thorsen K, Lund MK, Hein AM, Hamilton-Dutoit SJ, Vang S, Nordentoft I, Birkenkamp-Demtröder K, Kruhøffer M, Hager H, Knudsen B, Andersen CL, Sørensen KD, Pedersen JS, Ørntoft TF, Dyrskjøt L. Next-generation sequencing of RNA and DNA isolated from paired fresh-frozen and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded samples of human cancer and normal tissue. PLoS One. 2014 May 30;9(5).
Schultz NA, Roslind A, Christensen IJ, Horn T, Høgdall E, Pedersen LN, Kruhøffer M, Burcharth F, Wøjdemann M, Johansen JS. Frequencies and prognostic role of KRAS and BRAF mutations in patients with localized pancreatic and ampullary adenocarcinomas. Pancreas. 2012 Jul;41(5).
Kruhøffer M, Dyrskjøt L, Voss T, Lindberg RL, Wyrich R, Thykjaer T, Orntoft TF. Isolation of microarray-grade total RNA, microRNA, and DNA from a single PAXgene blood RNA tube. J Mol Diagn. 2007 Sep;9(4):452-8.
Kruhøffer M, Jensen JL, Laiho P, Dyrskjøt L, Salovaara R, Arango D, Birkenkamp- Demtroder K, Sørensen FB, Christensen LL, Buhl L, Mecklin JP, Järvinen H, Thykjaer T, Wikman FP, Bech-Knudsen F, Juhola M, Nupponen NN, Laurberg S, Andersen CL, Aaltonen LA, Ørntoft TF. Gene expression signatures for colorectal cancer microsatellite status and HNPCC. Br J Cancer. 2005 Jun 20;92(12):2240-8.
Dyrskjøt L, Zieger K, Kruhøffer M, Thykjaer T, Jensen JL, Primdahl H, Aziz N, Marcussen N, Møller K, Orntoft TF. A molecular signature in superficial bladder carcinoma predicts clinical outcome. Clin Cancer Res. 2005 Jun 1;11(11):4029-36.
Dyrskjøt L, Kruhøffer M, Thykjaer T, Marcussen N, Jensen JL, Møller K, Ørntoft TF. Gene expression in the urinary bladder: a common carcinoma in situ gene expression signature exists disregarding histopathological classification. Cancer Res. 2004 Jun 1;64(11):4040-8.
Dyrskjøt L, Thykjaer T, Kruhøffer M, Jensen JL, Marcussen N, Hamilton-Dutoit S, Wolf H, Orntoft TF. Identifying distinct classes of bladder carcinoma using microarrays. Nat Genet. 2003 Jan;33(1):90-6.